OFYR Outdoor Kitchen | PoolFab

Fire and water - the synergy of the elements

Whether it's a balmy summer evening or a cold winter evening, our OFYR Outdoor Kitchen is the perfect addition to your outdoor space.

What makes the grill an outdoor kitchen? Yes, you are right, it looks like a grill and basically it is one. BUT not only. An OFYR can be used not only for grilling, but also for cooking or baking, depending on the accessories and attachments. So you can prepare everything your heart desires with just one device, from appetizers to desserts. 

Perfect for any season

Of course, when you think of barbecue, the first thing that comes to mind is rather the warm, sunny summer. But due to the light and the extensive ambient heat generated by the fire of an OFYR, this grill, is also ideally suited for cozy winter evenings with hot punch or tea.

Authentischer Geschmack, ohne Kompromisse

In the cone of the OFYR burns a wood fire that heats the cooking plate plancha style. This cooking technique is characterized by its purity: There is no direct contact with the flames and embers, so food can not absorb harmful fumes from the burnt fat.

Dank des einzigartigen, konischen Designs und der Form der vorgewölbten Platte entstehen unterschiedliche Temperaturzonen, sodass die Kochplatte für jede Art von Fleisch, Fisch, Eiern, Gemüse oder Obst geeignet ist. Bei der Benutzung von Pflanzenöl, können Reste und Fettsäfte automatisch den Flammen in der Mitte übergeben werden. Dies führt dank der zusätzlichen Flamme zu einem Bonus-Showeffekt. Die Kochplatte selbst nimmt dabei keine Aromen auf und gibt auch keine an die Lebensmittel weiter.

The indirect contact with the fire, as well as the perfectly balanced heat penetration, brings out the true flavor of your grilled food and provides a whole new, original taste experience - without the need for sauces and spices.